RAPID seed treatment fits the name. The ingredients of this product promote fast seedling growth and enhanced root growth. RAPID will increase the number of plants growing from the soil, and a well known fact is, more emergence – more yield. RAPID will get you all that you can get from each bag of seed.

Category: Product ID: 1507


Yield Information



Treated Yield

Untreated Yield


Winterfeld Home P. 1151 Conv. 263.1 252.86 10.24
Winterfeld Home P.0157AMX 248.1 243.6 4.5
Winterfeld Home Titain Pro 236.8 232.8 4
Bar-K River Farm P.0987AMX 260.8 250.2 10.6
Bar-K West Hudson P. 1197AMXT 244.64 223.63 21.01
Brent Hoefmeyer Matlock P. 0448 Conv. 220.12 218.74 1.38
Average BU/A 8.62
Brent Hoefmeyer NCC (Beans) Pioneer Conv. Bean 60.52 57.5 3.02